Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Clear snow boat end stone gourd inkstone

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正铭文“五石瓠”、背铭文“端溪片石形如瓠,相材剖琢烦锟铻。大尊奚必浮江湖,松烟云蔚溅露珠。Longwen Baidendrobium Huan phase, but suitable for Baofan swivel。Snow Boat ", with box, with Japanese packaging
Source: Morita Kazudo Old collection

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Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD  

Address: Henan ProvinceArt and Art Museum, one floor, North Gate of the North District of the World Collection, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City   Contact number:400—829—9007

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    • 400-829-9007
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